使用C++/libCurl/Jsoncpp读取arcgis wmts 服务(restful模式)


最近工作需要将arcgis的wmts服务接入我们的3DGis系统平台,要求用户只输入一个rest模式的wmts服务地址,系统即可自动获取并解析其元数据信息,生成wmts图层,并渲染显示。经过多种尝试,最终通过参考修正osgEarth,获得了我们需要的效果。使用C++/libCurl/Jsoncpp读取arcgis wmts 服务(restful模式)过程中竟然花了3天编译osgEarth,搞的很崩溃,还好最终搞定了。现将过程和收获及教训写下!


开始计划用libcurl获取服务xml文档,然后用libxml2进行解析,实际使用中发现 http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/cj/MapServer/WMTS/1.0.0/WMTSCapabilities.xml 使用 libcurl+libxml2解析http得到的字符串失败,无法将字符串转为xml文档格式,自然也就没法解析了,此路不通!!!

然后再另找方法,发现osgEarth有arcgis wmts 图层,然后通过跟踪调试osgEarh中的arcgis wmts代码,初步能获取 wmts元数据信息,但是osgEarth目前实现的arcgis wmts 服务只能是全球范围,不能是局部一块区域的,经过一番改造,终于达到了我们的目标,支持 地理坐标系 (全球及局部)

下载编译osgEarth,测试其流程,参考 https://weibo.com/p/2304189447a8480102v2c2,编译 osgEarth2.5 + osg3.0.1,根据我自己的wmts服务地址写了一个test.earth文件,内容如下:

../data/world.tif //底图


修改 osgEarth中的application_osgearth_viewe工程,参数设置为


Command Arguments : D:OSG_MAKEosgearth-2.5vs2010bintest.earth -------test.earth文件位置

Woking Directory : ......bin ------osgEarth运行目录


C++ --->Optimization------>Disable(/Od)

linker ---> Debugging -----> Generate Debuf Info

运行调试(release版本),即可调试跟踪到osgdb_osgearth_arcgis中的bool MapService::init( const URI& _uri, const osgDB::ReaderWriter::Options* options )函数中。

std::string sep = uri.full().find( "?" ) == std::string::npos ? "?" : "&";

std::string json_url = uri.full() + sep + std::string("f=pjson"); // request the data in JSON format

这两句很关键!!!经过查询我发现 arcgis可提供json格式的wmts元数据信息,url格式就是在rest服务地址后面加"?f=pjson"!!!!!

ReadResult r = URI(json_url).readString( options );

if ( r.failed() )

return setError( "Unable to read metadata from ArcGIS service" );




osgEarth::TileSource::startup(const osgDB::Options options)


[osgdb_osgearth_argis.dll] ArcGISSource::initialize( const osgDB::Options


[osgdb_osgearth_argis.dll] MapService::init(const osgEarth::URI& _uri, const osgDB::Option options)

{_baseURI="http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/cj/MapServer" _fullURI="http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/cj/MapServer" _cacheKey="" ...}

json_url : "http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/cj/MapServer?f=pjson"


ReadResult URI::readString(const osgDB::Options
dbOptions,ProgressCallback progress ) const


template ReadResult doRead(const URI& inputURI,const osgDB::Options
dbOptions,ProgressCallback progress)


result = reader.fromHTTP( uri.full(), remoteOptions.get(), progress );


ReadResult fromHTTP( const std::string& uri, const osgDB::Options
opt, ProgressCallback p ) { return HTTPClient::readString(uri, opt, p); }


ReadResult HTTPClient::readString(const std::string& location,const osgDB::Options
options,ProgressCallback callback)


HTTPResponse response = this->doGet( location, options, callback );


HTTPResponse HTTPClient::doGet( const HTTPRequest& request, const osgDB::Options
options, ProgressCallback* callback) const !!!!!!核心代码使用curl


"{ "currentVersion": 10.11, "serviceDescription": "", "mapName": "Layers", "description": "", ........

// Read the profile. We are using "fullExtent"; perhaps an option to use "initialExtent" instead?

double xmin = 0.0;

double ymin = 0.0;

double xmax = 0.0;

double ymax = 0.0;

int srs = 0;

Json::Value fullExtentValue = doc["fullExtent"];

Json::Value extentValue = doc["extent"];

std::string srsValue;

// added a case for "extent" which can be removed if we want to fall back on initialExtent if fullExtent fails

if ( !fullExtentValue.empty() )


// if "fullExtent" exists .. use that

xmin = doc["fullExtent"].get("xmin", 0).asDouble();

ymin = doc["fullExtent"].get("ymin", 0).asDouble();

xmax = doc["fullExtent"].get("xmax", 0).asDouble();

ymax = doc["fullExtent"].get("ymax", 0).asDouble();

srs = doc["fullExtent"].get("spatialReference", Json::Value::null).get("wkid", 0).asInt();


else if( !extentValue.empty() )


// else if "extent" exists .. use that

xmin = doc["extent"].get("xmin", 0).asDouble();

ymin = doc["extent"].get("ymin", 0).asDouble();

xmax = doc["extent"].get("xmax", 0).asDouble();

ymax = doc["extent"].get("ymax", 0).asDouble();

srs = doc["extent"].get("spatialReference", Json::Value::null).get("wkid", 0).asInt();




// else "initialExtent" must exist ..

xmin = doc["initialExtent"].get("xmin", 0).asDouble();

ymin = doc["initialExtent"].get("ymin", 0).asDouble();

xmax = doc["initialExtent"].get("xmax", 0).asDouble();

ymax = doc["initialExtent"].get("ymax", 0).asDouble();

srs = doc["initialExtent"].get("spatialReference", Json::Value::null).get("wkid", 0).asInt();


//Assumes the SRS is going to be an EPSG code

std::stringstream sss;

sss << "epsg:" << srs;

std::string ssStr;

ssStr = sss.str();

if ( ! (xmax > xmin && ymax > ymin && srs != 0 ) )


GlbSetLastError(L"Map service does not define a full extent");

return false;



std::string format = "png";

int tile_rows = 256;

int tile_cols = 256;

int min_level = 25;

int max_level = 0;

int num_tiles_wide = 1;

int num_tiles_high = 1;

double origin_x = 0;

double origin_y = 0;

int start_x_col = 0;

int start_y_row = 0;

int end_x_col = 0;

int end_y_row = 0;

// Read the tiling schema

Json::Value j_tileinfo = doc["tileInfo"];

if ( !j_tileinfo.empty() )


// return setError( "Map service does not define a tiling schema" );

// TODO: what do we do if the width <> height?

tile_rows = j_tileinfo.get( "rows", 0 ).asInt();

tile_cols = j_tileinfo.get( "cols", 0 ).asInt();

if ( tile_rows <= 0 && tile_cols <= 0 )


GlbSetLastError(L"Map service tile size not specified");

return false;


format = j_tileinfo.get( "format", "" ).asString();

if ( format.empty() )


GlbSetLastError(L"Map service tile schema does not specify an image format");

return false;


Json::Value j_levels = j_tileinfo["lods"];

if ( j_levels.empty() )


GlbSetLastError(L"Map service tile schema contains no LODs");

return false;


Json::Value j_origin = j_tileinfo["origin"];

if ( j_origin.empty() )


GlbSetLastError(L"Map service tile schema contains no origin");

return false;


origin_x = j_origin.get( "x", 0).asDouble();

origin_y = j_origin.get( "y", 0).asDouble();

min_level = INT_MAX;

max_level = 0;

for( unsigned int i=0; i\
\int level = j_levels[i].get( "level", -1 ).asInt();\\
\if ( level >= 0 && level < min_level )

min_level = level;

if ( level >= 0 && level > max_level )

max_level = level;


if (j_levels.size() > 0)


int l = j_levels[0u].get("level", -1).asInt();

double res = j_levels[0u].get("resolution", 0.0).asDouble();

num_tiles_wide = (int)glb_round((xmax - xmin) / (res * tile_cols));

num_tiles_high = (int)glb_round((ymax - ymin) / (res * tile_rows));


//fixedTileLeftTopNumX = Math.floor((Math.abs(originX - minX))/(resolutiontileSize));

//fixedTileLeftTopNumY = Math.floor((Math.abs(originY - maxY))/(resolution

start_x_col = (int)floor(fabs(origin_x - xmin) / (res * tile_cols));

end_x_col = (int)floor(fabs(origin_x - xmax) / (res * tile_cols));

start_y_row = (int)floor(fabs(origin_y - ymin) / (res * tile_rows));

end_y_row = (int)floor(fabs(origin_y - ymax) / (res * tile_rows));

if (start_y_row > end_y_row)


if (start_x_col > end_x_col)


//In case the first level specified isn't level 0, compute the number of tiles at level 0

for (int i = 0; i < l; i++)


num_tiles_wide /= 2;

num_tiles_high /= 2;

start_x_col /= 2;

start_y_row /= 2;

end_x_col /= 2;

end_y_row /= 2;




// 重新计算wmts瓦片真实坐标范围

{// 地理坐标系

xmin = origin_x + start_x_col * res * tile_cols;

xmax = origin_x + (end_x_col+1) * res * tile_cols;

ymin = origin_y - (end_y_row+1) * res * tile_rows;

ymax = origin_y - start_y_row * res * tile_rows;




mpr_domMinLevel = min_level;

mpr_domMaxLevel = max_level;

mpr_domBlockSizeX = tile_cols;

mpr_domBlockSizeY = tile_rows;

mpr_pExtent = new CGlbExtent();


mpr_startMinTileCol = start_x_col;

mpr_endMinTileCol = end_x_col;

mpr_startMinTileRow = start_y_row;

mpr_endMinTileRow = end_y_row;


osgEarth中只计算了0级的行列数,我们实际应用中还需要用到 “起始和终止行列号” ,tile的实际范围等信息(蓝色部分)。

这里有一个需要注意的地方 fullextent并不是wmts瓦片的实际范围,而是比它们要小一些

使用C++/libCurl/Jsoncpp读取arcgis wmts 服务(restful模式)




wchar_t* buff = new wchar_t[MAX_PATH];



CGlbExtent* computeTileBound(glbInt32 tileMatrix, glbInt32 tileCol,glbInt32 tileRow)


// 天地图的影像图层最多到18级

if (tileMatrix > mpr_domMaxLevel) return NULL;

if (mpr_pExtent)


glbInt32 tileMatrixRows = abs(mpr_endMinTileRow - mpr_startMinTileRow + 1) * pow (2.0, tileMatrix-mpr_domMinLevel);

glbInt32 tileMatrixCols = abs(mpr_endMinTileCol - mpr_startMinTileCol + 1) * pow (2.0, tileMatrix-mpr_domMinLevel);

if (tileMatrixCols<=0 && tileMatrixRows<=0)

return NULL;

double tileMatrixColStep = mpr_pExtent->GetXWidth() / tileMatrixCols;

double tileMatrixRowStep = mpr_pExtent->GetYHeight() / tileMatrixRows;

int levelStartCol = mpr_startMinTileCol;

int levelStartRow = mpr_startMinTileRow;

for (int kk = mpr_domMinLevel+1; kk <= tileMatrix; kk++)


levelStartCol = 2;

= 2;


double minLongitude = mpr_pExtent->GetLeft() + (tileCol - levelStartCol) * tileMatrixColStep;

double maxLongitude = mpr_pExtent->GetLeft() + (tileCol - levelStartCol + 1) * tileMatrixColStep;

double minLatitude = mpr_pExtent->GetTop() - (tileRow - levelStartRow + 1) * tileMatrixRowStep;

double maxLatitude = mpr_pExtent->GetTop() - (tileRow - levelStartRow) * tileMatrixRowStep;

CGlbExtent* pe = new CGlbExtent();


return pe;



return NULL;



注意两点: 我们测试使用的是arcgis 10.1版

1. arcgis wmts 服务名称必须是 英文,不能是中文。否则读不出json格式的元数据!!!!

2. arcgis wmts 服务发布顺序为先分析、发布然后切片。否则会发现坐标系很可能从wgs84地理坐标系变成了wgs84投影坐标系!!

3. 使用http://localhost:6080/arcgis/rest/services/cj/MapServer?f=pjson方式获取json格式的元数据。

4. 必须重新计算wmts瓦片的实际范围。否则叠加到地球上后会发现会出现位置偏移和缩小问题!!!


http://www.cnblogs.com/he-xiang/p/5679391.html ArcGisServer根据最大最小坐标换算瓦片行列号 中国小刀

https://blog.csdn.net/qq_25867649/article/details/52789467?locationNum=2 使用libcurl来下载文件

https://www.cnblogs.com/findumars/p/7252843.html C/C++使用libcurl库发送http请求(get和post可以用于请求html信息,也可以请求xml和json等串)

osgEarth工程中的 osgEarthsrcosgEarthDriversarcgisMapService.cpp


https://pan.baidu.com/s/10F235iv7WHDZc24jhHMD7g 密码mwd9

原文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/mazhenyu/p/8892086.html







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