第7章 按值传递或按引用传递:7.1 按值传递

Chapter 7: By Value or by Reference?

第7章 按值传递或按引用传递?


Since the beginning, C++ has provided call-by-value and call-by-reference, and it is not always easy to decide which one to choose: Usually calling by reference is cheaper for nontrivial objects but more complicated. C++11 added move semantics to the mix, which means that we now have different ways to pass by reference:


  1. X const& (const左值引用):

    The parameter refers to the passed object, without the ability to modify it.


  2. X& (非const左值引用):

    The parameter refers to the passed object, with the ability to modify it.


  3. X&& (右值引用):

    The parameter refers to the passed object, with move semantics, meaning that you can modify or “steal” the value.



Deciding how to declare parameters with known concrete types is complicated enough. In templates, types are not known, and therefore it becomes even harder to decide which passing mechanism is appropriate.



Nevertheless, in Section 1.6.1 on page 20 we did recommend passing parameters in function templates by value unless there are good reasons, such as the following:


  • Copying is not possible.


  • Parameters are used to return data.


  • Templates just forward the parameters to somewhere else by keeping all the properties of the original arguments.


  • There are significant performance improvements.



This chapter discusses the different approaches to declare parameters in templates, motivating the general recommendation to pass by value, and providing arguments for the reasons not to do so. It also discusses the tricky problems you run into when dealing with string literals and other raw arrays.



When reading this chapter, it is helpful to be familiar with the terminology of value categories (lvalue, rvalue, prvalue, xvalue, etc.), which is explained in Appendix B.



7.1 Passing by Value

7.1 按值传递


When passing arguments by value, each argument must in principle be copied. Thus, each parameter becomes a copy of the passed argument. For classes, the object created as a copy generally is initialized by the copy constructor.



Calling a copy constructor can become expensive. However, there are various way to avoid expensive copying even when passing parameters by value: In fact, compilers might optimize away copy operations copying objects and can become cheap even for complex objects by using move semantics.



For example, let’s look at a simple function template implemented so that the argument is passed by value:


template<typename T>
void printV (T arg) {

When calling this function template for an integer, the resulting code is


void printV (int arg) {

Parameter arg becomes a copy of any passed argument, whether it is an object or a literal or a value returned by a function.



If we define a std::string and call our function template for it:


std::string s = "hi";

the template parameter T is instantiated as std::string so that we get


void printV (std::string arg)

Again, when passing the string, arg becomes a copy of s. This time the copy is created by the copy constructor of the string class, which is a potentially expensive operation, because in principle this copy operation creates a full or “deep” copy so that the copy internally allocates its own memory to hold the value.



However, the potential copy constructor is not always called. Consider the following:


std::string returnString();
std::string s = "hi";

printV(s); //copy constructor
printV(std::string("hi")); //copying usually optimized away (if not, move constructor)
printV(returnString()); // copying usually optimized away (if not, move constructor)
printV(std::move(s)); // move constructor

In the first call we pass an lvalue, which means that the copy constructor is used.


However, in the second and third calls, when directly calling the function template for prvalues (temporary objects created on the fly or returned by another function; see Appendix B), compilers usually optimize passing the argument so that no copying constructor is called at all. Note that since C++17, this optimization is required. Before C++17, a compiler that doesn’t optimize the copying away, must at least have to try to use move semantics, which usually makes copying cheap. In the last call, when passing an xvalue (an existing nonconstant object with std::move()), we force to call the move constructor by signaling that we no longer need the value of s.



Thus, calling an implementation of printV() that declares the parameter to be passed by value usually is only expensive if we pass an lvalue (an object we created before and typically still use afterwards, as we didn’t use std::move() to pass it). Unfortunately, this is a pretty common case. One reason is that it is pretty common to create objects early to pass them later (after some modifications) to other functions.



Passing by Value Decays



There is another property of passing by value we have to mention: When passing arguments to a parameter by value, the type decays. This means that raw arrays get converted to pointers and that qualifiers such as const and volatile are removed (just like using the value as initializer for an object declared with auto):


template<typename T>
void printV (T arg) {

std::string const c = "hi";

printV(c); // c 退化,因此arg为std::string类型
printV("hi"); //退化为指针类型,因此arg为char const*类型
int arr[4];
printV(arr); //退化为指针类型,因此arg为char const*类型

Thus, when passing the string literal "hi", its type char const[3] decays to char const* so that this is the deduced type of T. Thus, the template is instantiated as follows:

所以,当传递字符串字面量”hi”时,它的类型会从char const[3]退化为char const*,这也是模板参数T被推导出来的类型。模板被实例化为:

void printV (char const* arg)

This behavior is derived from C and has its benefits and drawbacks. Often it simplifies the handling of passed string literals, but the drawback is that inside printV() we can’t distinguish between passing a pointer to a single element and passing a raw array. For this reason, we will discuss how to deal with string literals and other raw arrays in Section 7.4 on page 115.


原文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/5iedu/p/12783715.html




    第7章 按值传递或按引用传递:7.1 按值传递





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